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Calories in Molto Mangum Strawberry Stuffed Croissant

The following is a review of the calories in Molto Mangum with strawberry, which is a type of croissant stuffed with delicious strawberry filling with strawberry cheesecake taste, It can be eaten as a snack when feeling hungry, And he will be able to satisfy you immediately, This is due to its large size, And the many stuffing that guarantees it, But when you’re on a calorie-restricted diet, Then you should stop for a while to learn about the calories in it and what nutritional components it consists of, Here is a breakdown of them as follows.

Calories in Molto Mangum Strawberry Stuffed Croissant

A quantity of 100 grams of Molto Mangum with strawberry contains 403 calories. Of which carbohydrates have a volume of 53 grams, Total fat of 18 grams, And protein 7.3 grams.

The amount of sodium in the Molto Mangum Strawberry Croissant is not mentioned in the nutritional label, and this does not mean that the amount of sodium is zero !! It does contain sodium and salt, but the quantity is unknown.

Nutritional ingredients in Molto Mangum Strawberry Stuffed Croissant

Strawberry Molto Mangum consists of the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour
  • Filling strawberry fruit with biscuit
  • Partially hydrogenated vegetable fats (from palm oil)
  • sugar
  • Water
  • Vegetable fats (from palm oil)
  • Food emulsifiers (mono and di glycerides of fatty acids E471 – poliglyceride fatty acids E475 – potassium stearate E470a)
  • yeast
  • Table salt
  • Preservatives in approved levels (calcium propionate E282)
  • Vanillin (industrial vanilla flavor)
  • Propylene glycol (E1520)
  • The product may contain traces of hazelnut. And eggs.
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The product is produced by Edita Food Industries, There is no doubt that from the above it becomes clear to you that the calories in this type of molto are in fact so high that consuming it on a daily basis may cause obesity, Also, consuming it in low-calorie diets is not appropriate at all. Consuming it may spoil your diet. So it should be avoided as much as possible.