غير مصنف

Calories in Nadec Whipping Cream


The following are the calories in Nadec whipping cream. It is known for its whipping cream, or as it is sometimes known as whipped cream, And sometimes with whipped cream, Or Chantilly cream as a cream that is beaten well until it doubles in size, And its texture becomes light, It is flavored with vanilla flavor to give it a sweet taste, It is often used in desserts inside the filling, Or for decoration. The following is an introduction to the nutritional values, And their nutritional components.

Calories in Nadec Whipping Cream

Nadec whipping cream is a cream prepared from 100% fresh cream and contains 72.3 calories per 25 ml. Fats make up the highest percentage of calories, at 93.4%.


Nadec whipping cream ingredients

  • Fresh Cow’s Milk
  • Fresh cream
  • E407 (installed)
  • E463 (installed)
  • E 472 (vegetable emulsifier)
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D3
  • At least 28% of the fat percentage
  • Ultra high temperature coefficient

Calculating the calories in your Nadec whipping cream is not limited to Especially since it is not traded on its own, But it is mixed with sweets, Therefore, the whole piece of dessert must be calculated before calculating only the whipping cream. Because it may not be worth anything in the price of the attached candy.

We would also like to point out that this product contains a high amount of cholesterol and fats, so it is best to use it carefully or avoid these types of cream.


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