غير مصنف

Calories in Indomie Premium Fried Noodles

Calories in Indomie Premium Fried Noodles The calories in Indomie Premium Fried Noodles are 419 calories per bag, The majority of calories are from carbohydrates, 51.6%. Then fat 40.8% and…

Calories in Baboo ice cream with chocolate and biscuit flavor

Calories in babu ice cream with chocolate and biscuit flavor The calories in Babo ice cream with chocolate and biscuit flavor are 110 calories, most of which come from carbohydrates,…

Calories in Lusine White Toast

The number of calories in white Lusine toast is 81 calories per one slice, Carbohydrates make up the highest percentage of calories, at 74%. Protein comes in second place with…

Calories in Lactel Strawberry Yogurt Drink

Calories in Lactel Strawberry Yogurt Drink, which is one of the most popular flavors offered from Lactel Strawberry Yogurt. The specialty in this kind of wonderful yogurt drink, It is…

Is indomie healthy?

Who among us does not love that witch with her corrugated threads, with a taste that captivates our senses? Which the children loved more than the adults. It is the…

Calories in a Yaumi cupcake with strawberry jam

Calories in a Yaumi cupcake with strawberry jam, which is one of the types of delicious desserts that you can rely on when you want to eat the current taste…

Calories in a Yaumi orange cupcake

The calories in a Yaumi cupcake with orange, which is one of the best types of Yaumi cupcakes and has a distinctive orange flavor that makes it the perfect choice…

Calories in a Yaumi cupcake with chocolate and vanilla

The calories in Yaumi chocolate and vanilla cupcake, which is one of the special flavors that Yomi brand offers in cupcakes It is consumed as much as its counterparts from…

Calories in Cofique Blueberry Latte

The calories in the Cofique Blueberry Latte, which is one of the special drinks that you can have from the Cofique brand, A lot, And a lot of great flavors…

Calories in Nescafe Vanilla Ice Wafer

Calories in Iced Nescafe Vanilla Wafer, which is one of the distinctive flavors offered by the famous Nescafe brand, along with many other wonderful flavors. The product presented by the…

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