السعرات الحرارية في الحليب ومشتقاته

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة كيري يوناني مكعبات

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة كيري والتي تعد من أشهر أنواع الجبن الفرنسية، فهي تأتي ضمن مجموعة منتجات بيل. يمتاز هذا النوع من الجبن بنعومة القوام الغني بطعم الحليب.

السعرات الحرارية في الحليب ومشتقاته

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة شيدر المراعي قليلة الدسم

نقدم اليوم السعرات الحرارية في جبنة شيدر المراعي قليلة الدسم  والتي تعد  واحدة من أهم أنواع الجبن الشيدر التي يتم تقديمها من ماركة المراعي الشهيرة.

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Calories in Cocoa Biscuits with Cocoa Cream Cocoa Lovers

Cocoa Lovers is a cocoa biscuit filled with cocoa cream. There is more than one type of sweets with the same name. But let’s talk now about Cocoa Lovers biscuits,…

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Calories in Snacks Julio

Snacks Julio is one of the most famous salted snacks known in the Arab Republic of Egypt, It has been around for many years since we have always been eating…

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Calories in ice cream, peanut vanilla and chocolate

Ice cream is one of the most delicious and delicious desserts that can be eaten in the summer, It moisturizes us greatly hot climates, One can be consumed a week…

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Calories in Crick Crack Potato Ketchup

Potato Crack Crack with Ketchup is chips made from potato grains and potato starch with crushed rice and fried with vegetable palm oil, And in addition to the tomato flavor…

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Calories in McVitie’s Digestive Golden Oatmeal

McVitie’s golden oat cookies are one of the most popular and widely traded oat cookies when it comes to oat cookies. This is due to its sweetness, which makes many…

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Calories in Cheetos Crunchy Sweet Chili

Cheetos Crunchy is a delicious-tasting snack, And present in more than one taste in the market, There is a taste of cheese, And the taste of sweet pepper, And the…

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Calories in Schweppes Gold Pineapple

Soft drinks of all kinds are an essential ally for meals for many. Since they could not eat the meal without it, If it happened, For them the meal will…

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Calories in Eve’s sage pasta

Hawa pasta is one of the most popular pasta items that are traded in the market. And it is distinguished by its high quality that makes it the first choice…

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