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Calories in Philadelphia cheese with cucumber flavor

Calories in Philadelphia cheese with cucumber flavor, which is a type of cheese that belongs to the famous Philadelphia brand specialized in the production of cheeses of all kinds. And…

السعرات الحرارية في الحليب ومشتقاته

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة فلاديفيا بطعم الخيار

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة فلاديفيا بطعم الخيار  وهي نوع من أنواع الجبن الذي ينتمي إلى ماركة فلاديفيا الشهيرة المتخصصة في إنتاج الأجبان بأنواعها، ونكهتها المختلفة. ما يميز هذا النوع من…

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Calories in Original Philadelphia Cheese 30g

Calories in the original Philadelphia cheese 30 grams, which is the original type of Philadelphia cheese without any additives, or added flavors, It is also one of the most consumed…

السعرات الحرارية في الحليب ومشتقاته

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة فلاديفيا الأصلية 30جم

السعرات الحرارية في جبنة فلاديفيا الأصلية 30 جرام والتي تعد النوع الأصلي بدون أي إضافات، أو نكهات مضافة، ويعد من أكثر الأنواع استهلاكًا أيضًا. يمتاز  هذا الجبن الأصلي بالقوام الغني،…

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onions.. Antibiotic and many health benefits!

Onion and onion powder are among the most famous and oldest plants and agricultural crops used on earth. Where he was the first to use are the pharaohs. And in…

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Indomie fried noodles how many calories

Nutritional values in Indomie

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Calories in Almond Milk Vanilla Silk

Silk Almond Vanilla Drink is milk made from almonds and water, sweetened with sugar cane juice and flavored with a natural vanilla flavour. How much was a mixture of vitamins…

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Calories in Nestlé Fitness cereals with whole grains

If you are here to ask: Are Fitness Chips make your weight go down !? The answer is in the following lines. First of all, you should know that Nestlé…

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Calories in Angry Bird Corn Flakes

The calories in Corn Flakes Angry Birds are 110.8 calories in every 30g of flakes without milk. Angry Birds breakfast cereals are characterized by a lower amount of sugars ,…

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Calories in Simply Organic Vegetable Chips

Simply Vegetable Chips is a gluten-free snack made with mostly organic ingredients such as organic potato flour, organic corn flour, organic rice flour, and organic sunflower oil. Find out with…

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