غير مصنف

Calories in charcoal kebab chips

Let’s get to know the calories today in charcoal kebab chips, as it is one of the favorite foods for many, Where they prefer to eat it on a daily…

Calories in vinegar and salt chips

Today we offer you the calories in Chipsy with vinegar and salt, as it is one of the main flavors that appeal to many chips fans. They often prefer it…

Calories in salt chips

Today we offer you the calories in salt chips. It is one of the most popular snacks that are traded on a daily basis, It is not just a snack.…

Calories in spiced cheese chips

The taste of seasoned cheese is one of the favorite bait for many, Not just when it comes to chips, But this taste can also be preferred in popcorn, others…

Calories in Mega Chocolate Ice Cream

Today we offer you the calories in Mega Chocolate Ice Cream, Ice cream in general is one of the most beloved desserts of the summer. This is due to the…

Calories in Mega Vanilla Ice Cream

Below we discuss the calories in Mega Vanilla Ice Cream as it is one of the most well-known brands in the ice cream industry. And it is traded a lot…

Calories in hot sauce and lemon chips

Today we offer the calories in a spicy hot sauce and lemon chips, as the spicy taste is the favorite taste of many, This is why you find many of…

Calories in molto cheese

Today we offer you the calories in Molto with Istanbuli cheese, as Molto is a popular type of snack from the Edita brand, which is baked in the form of…

Calories in Nescafe 3 in 1 Hazelnut flavor

The calories in Nescafe 3 in 1 hazelnut flavor is what we will cover in the next report, This is because the taste of hazelnuts in Nescafé 3 in 1…

Calories in cream-stuffed Twinkies

We offer the calories in Twinkies filled with cream, which is a golden colored sponge cake filled with cream filling. And it belongs to the category of prepackaged desserts that…

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