The most prominent characteristic of pumpkin or pumpkin, as some Arab countries call it, It is its filling with many nutrients that give the body many health benefits.
This is what has made pumpkins very popular all over the world.
Although pumpkin is seen as a vegetable, Scientifically speaking, however, it is a fruit because it contains seeds.
However, They are more nutritionally similar to vegetables than fruits. So let’s get to know what a pumpkin is, What are the health benefits of pumpkin.
What is pumpkin?
Pumpkin or zucchini is considered, One of the varieties of winter squash, It has a solid exterior and a slightly smaller size than a pumpkin.
And a pumpkin is about The fruit is green in color Dark, with slight streaks on the rough exterior and orange or yellow flesh on the inside.
Pumpkin makes an excellent addition to soups and stews. It can also be cooked as a free standing side dish. Especially if it’s spiced.
This type of vegetable provides some health benefits to those who make it a regular part of their diet.
Pumpkin nutritional facts
considered as Courgettes A rich source of vitamins A and C., And it contains few calories. And it is only 30 calories per cup.
This type of squash is also a good source of iron, copper, magnesium, B vitamins, beta-carotene, fiber, and antioxidants.
Macronutrients and Fiber
Make up carbohydrates, In the forms of sugar and starch, Most of the calories are in pumpkin.
Each cup contains 19.8 grams of total carbohydrates. This includes 8.1 grams of natural sugar and 7.1 grams of fiber.
Contribute to this Amount of fiber By 28 and 19 percent in meeting the daily fiber needs of women and men, respectively.
Potassium And magnesium
Including pumpkin in your diet boosts your mineral intake. It provides large amounts of magnesium and potassium.
Magnesium helps stabilize the structure of DNA and cell membranes. It also supports energy production.
One cup of pumpkin provides 56 milligrams of magnesium and 505 milligrams of potassium.
This constitutes 13 percent of the magnesium requirement for men and 18 percent for women. Plus 11 percent of your daily potassium needs.
Vitamins A and K.
Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A – At 38,129 IU, your body can use this vitamin A to help bone growth, support immune function, and maintain sharp vision.
Canned pumpkin also provides a large amount of vitamin K – 39.2 micrograms – contributing 31 percent to the daily vitamin K needs of men and 44 percent of women.
The nutritional values in a cup of cooked pumpkin (245 grams) contains:
- Calories: 49 calories
- Fats: 0.2 grams
- Protein: 2 grams
- Carbohydrates: 12 grams
- Fibers: 3 grams
- Vitamin A: 24% of the RDA.
- vitamin C: 19% of the RDA.
- Potassium: 16% of the RDA.
- Copper: 11% of the RDA.
- Manganese: 11% of the RDA.
- Vitamin B2: 11% of the RDA.
- Vitamin E – 10% of the RDA.
- Iron: 8% of the RDA.
- Small amounts of magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, folic acid, and several B vitamins.
Pumpkin health benefits
The most prominent health benefits of pumpkin include its ability to promote healthy skin. Improve vision, And strengthen the heart, And help in losing weight.
Pumpkins also have a great chance of being able to fight cancer.
The benefits of pumpkin in caring for the skin
Regular consumption of zucchini can help protect your skin as it reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes.
Thanks to the high levels of beta-carotene and Other antioxidants Found in this type of pumpkin.
It is able to help reduce oxidative stress in the skin, This can reduce inflammation and prevent the signs of aging.
Eye care
The orange color of the pumpkin is largely due to the presence Beta-carotene in it, Which can prevent oxidative stress in the retina.
Thus it reduces the risk of macular degeneration, As well as slowing the progression of cataracts.
Pumpkin benefits in fighting cancer
D publish. Abdullah Al-Ghasham, a study in the International Journal of Science found that the unique ingredient in the pumpkin varieties, cucurbitacin, It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects Cancer cells in the body .
This substance has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, Which helps to reduce the development of cancer in the body.
These antigens fight free radicals in the body, This makes zucchini squash an excellent natural preventative measure for cancer and chronic diseases.
Pumpkin benefits for weight loss
Zucchini is high in dietary fiber and low in calories. This makes it an ideal addition to any weight loss diet.
Dietary fiber will help you feel full, While the smaller number of calories will allow you to eat as much zucchini as possible.
Improves heart health
With a healthy amount of iron, vitamin C and vitamin A, This type of vegetable helps maintain healthy blood vessels and arteries.
It is also capable of Lowering blood pressure , Ensuring a healthy blood circulation.
The benefits of pumpkin in the treatment of diabetes
Pumpkin benefits include providing a number of essential nutrients. Such as iron, calcium, vitamins A and C, According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Pumpkin contains carbohydrates; So it can be lifted sugar level in blood .
Nevertheless, pumpkin contains a number of substances that can help reduce its effect on blood sugar. So it can be helpful.
constipation treatment
Add the existing fibers With zucchini Large stool volume, Speed up the movement of food through the digestive system and this can help treat and prevent constipation.
And one cup of canned, unsalted squash contains about 7 grams of dietary fiber.
Likewise, One ounce of roasted and unsalted pumpkin seeds contains 5 grams of fiber.
pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds may not be as common as sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. But if you are trying to increase your testosterone levels, It may be beneficial to take it.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in unsaturated fats and provide a number of nutrients that may help improve testosterone levels.
Despite the potential benefits, Pumpkin seeds should not be used to treat any medical conditions.
The nutrients in pumpkin seeds
Among the nutrients that pumpkin seeds provide are the nutrients, This mineral helps regulate levels of a number of other nutrients in your body and supports the work of enzymes.
in addition to, The research published in the April 2011 edition of “Research on Vital Effects” indicates that magnesium can enhance increased testosterone levels.
It is an amino acid that can help boost fat oxidation and endurance. Therefore it is a popular sports food supplement.
Resemble pumpkin seeds, Sesame and sunflower seeds are rich in fats.
Per 1 ounce of pumpkin seeds Provides about 14 g of fat, Which can be harmful to a low-fat diet but beneficial for boosting testosterone (the male sex hormone in men).
Get to know The calories in pumpkin seeds