Smoked Chili Sauce from Delicio is a type of sauce that is added to many different foods as desired, And it is a distinctive choice for lovers of spicy food, Being made with smoked jalapeno, And because it is consumed in abundance, we had to know the nutritional values that it contained.
The calories in Delicio smoked chili pepper are 2.6 calories per 100 g, and carbohydrates make up the highest calorie content of 83.1%, then fat by 10.4%, then protein, which is the lowest at 7.7%.
And to know more nutritional information about this type of spicy sauce, we leave you with the nutritional label.
Delicio smoked hot pepper
A real Mexican sauce, made with smoked jalapeno, is added to your plate for a rich batter experience Delicious and smoky.
Ingredients of smoked hot pepper
- Water
- Pepper paste
- Natural vinegar
- sugar
- salt
- Smoky flavor
- Chipotle pepper
- Onion (spice)
- Garlic (spice)
- Cumin (spice)
- Pepper (spice)
- E415 (thickener)
- E150D (color)
Keep in a cool, dry place
This snack is low in calories, so it can be consumed without worry as long as its consumption is within reasonable limits. But it is also high in sodium, and this may cause you high blood pressure or heart disease, God forbid, if you do not pay attention to the sodium .