Cream is high in calories. This is why there have been constant attempts to reduce its calories. Although there are currently many low-calorie varieties, However, due to their caloric nature, they are not always reliable on any diet.
Today we will learn about the calories in Nadec Light Cream, as it contains 47.5 calories in every 25 grams of light cream, Most of its calories are from fat, at 83.4%.
To learn more about the nutritional values, check out the following nutritional card.
Nadec Lite cream ingredients
- Cow’s milk (fresh)
- Fresh cream
- Milk solids
- Karginan (installed)
- Pectin fixative
- Milk fat 18% (maximum)
Although the previous type of cream was light, However, it is still high in fat and lacking protein. Therefore, it should be avoided. Because it will not be suitable for consumption, Especially with low-calorie diets, Which depends on reducing calories in order to reduce weight, A small amount of it may lead to you consuming the entire amount of fat available to you per day.
Get to know Calories in Almarai Cream Lite