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Calories in Low Fat Cheese Slices from Nadec


Today we offer calories in low-fat cheese slices from Nadec, as cheese slices are among the distinctive food options that can be relied on in breakfast meals. Or it may be a companion to other foods, It can be added to beef burger. Or chicken, Or even add them to eggs, And many other foods, So here are its prices

Calories in Nadec slices cheese low fat 49.8 calories per 20 gram slice, Fats make up the highest percentage of calories, at 61.4%.

For more nutritional values, we review the following nutritional card.


Ingredients of low-fat Nadec slices cheese

  • Fresh pasteurized milk
  • Cheese (non-animal flavor)
  • Milk solids
  • butter
  • E 452 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 450 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 339 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 331 (emulsifying salts)
  • E330 (emulsifying salts)
  • salt
  • Stabilizer E407 Carrageenan
  • E 202 (preservative)
  • E 234 preservatives
  • 20% minimum fat content in dry matter

Delicious and healthy slices of cheese from Nadec, For all occasions

This type covers a large amount of your daily sodium and fat needs. So be careful when eating it, And not to overdo it.

Check out the calories in Nadec Triangles Cheese

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