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Calories in double gold lambada


Here are the calories in Double Gold Lambada, a type of biscuit that joins the Lambada biscuit menu. But this type is stuffed with cream, And covered with chocolate, It is not a weaver, Rather, it is a chocolate sandwich biscuit, one piece of which contains 2 biscuits joined together with white cream, And covered with delicious chocolate, Here are its calories. And its nutritional components.

Calories in double gold lambada

A quantity of 100 grams of Double Gold Lambada cookies contains about 466.6 calories and about 56.40 grams of carbohydrates. Plus a fat of about 23.95 grams, There is protein around 6.37 grams, And the percentage of moisture in that amount is about 2.36, The proportion of the most is 0.82 grams

Nutritional ingredients in Double Gold Lambada

Lambada Double Gold cookies consist of the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour
  • sugar
  • Hydrogenated vegetable oils (palm kernel oil)
  • Cocoa powder
  • Skimmed milk
  • Soy lecithin E322
  • Flavors and Fragrances (Hazelnut Taste)
  • Cocoa butter substitute
  • Vanillin (industrial vanilla flavor)
  • Boosters (sodium bicarbonate (E500) ammonium bicarbonate (E503))
بسكوت لمبادا دبل جولد هو من المنتجات الغذائية المهدرجة

Also know / Calories in a Salty Ritz Cookie

The product is produced by Ocean Foods, One package contains 3 pieces of a Double Gold Lambada sandwich and depending on the calories contained in this type of biscuit, It does not fall under the food category of healthy foods, This is because it contains so many calories that it is impossible to consume it on any calorie-restricted diet. It also contains a large proportion of carbohydrates, fats, So it is best as much as possible to avoid eating it.
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