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Calories in Captain Nadec Cheese Slices


We offer you the calories in Captain Nadec cheese slices, Captain Nadec cheese is a sliced cheese that can be consumed with many foods, As it can be stuffed inside breakfast sandwiches, It also can be used on pizza, And in burgers, And many other options according to taste, They are suitable for all occasions, Today, we will learn about the most important calories in Captain Nadec cheese slices, so follow us

Calories in Captain Nadec Cheese Slices

Captain Nadec cheese slices contain 57 calories in 1 20 g slice, Fats make up the highest percentage of calories, around 70%.


Captain Nadec cheese slices ingredients

  • Fresh pasteurized milk
  • Cheese (non-animal flavor)
  • Milk solids
  • butter
  • E 452 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 450 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 339 (emulsifying salts)
  • E 331 (emulsifying salts)
  • E330 (emulsifying salts)
  • salt
  • Stabilizer E407 Carrageenan
  • E 202 (preservative)
  • E 234 preservatives
  • 45% minimum fat content in dry matter

Delicious and healthy slices of cheese from Nadec, For all occasions

This type of cheese is high in fat and sodium. So I beware of over-consuming it.

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