غير مصنف

Calories in Americana Kebab Turkish Mix


The calories in Americana Kebab with Turkish Mix are 131.6 calories in every 1 kebab skewer of 60 gm, Most of these calories are from fat with 65.7%, followed by protein with 27.4%. Finally, carbohydrates are 7.3%.

For more nutritional values in Kebab Americana and other nutritional information, see the nutrition label below:

Turkish kebab ingredients

  • Beef (frozen pure meat)
  • soy protein
  • Table salt
  • black pepper
  • onion (fresh)
  • garlic powder
  • Fresh green pepper


How to fry Americana kebab without oil in a Philips air fryer

  1. Heat the fryer first
  2. Put the kebab pieces in the fryer like Mahi and without thawing
  3. Set the temperature to 175°C for 8 minutes
  4. After you are done, leave it for two minutes in the fryer and you will be well and happy.


How to cook kebabs on a shallow frying pan

  1. Heat a frying pan and then add a little bit of butter or ghee
  2. Put the kebab pieces without thawing and fry for 3 minutes, then turn them over and fry for another 3 minutes


How to grill Americana kebab in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven and put the Chinese butter
  2. No need to defrost, just put the kebab on the tray for 6-7 minutes, stirring

Notes on Americana kebab with Turkish mixtureخلط

  1. Contains no colors or preservatives.
  2. It contains less carbs and more protein.
  3. High in sodium and cholesterol.
  4. It contains high fat and you can use an air fryer to reduce the oil.
  5. Tried it in a Philips air fryer and found it very tasty.
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