The calories in Americana Kebab with Turkish Mix are 131.6 calories in every 1 kebab skewer of 60 gm, Most of these calories are from fat with 65.7%, followed by protein with 27.4%. Finally, carbohydrates are 7.3%.
For more nutritional values in Kebab Americana and other nutritional information, see the nutrition label below:
Turkish kebab ingredients
- Beef (frozen pure meat)
- soy protein
- Table salt
- black pepper
- onion (fresh)
- garlic powder
- Fresh green pepper
How to fry Americana kebab without oil in a Philips air fryer
- Heat the fryer first
- Put the kebab pieces in the fryer like Mahi and without thawing
- Set the temperature to 175°C for 8 minutes
- After you are done, leave it for two minutes in the fryer and you will be well and happy.
How to cook kebabs on a shallow frying pan
- Heat a frying pan and then add a little bit of butter or ghee
- Put the kebab pieces without thawing and fry for 3 minutes, then turn them over and fry for another 3 minutes
How to grill Americana kebab in the oven
- Preheat the oven and put the Chinese butter
- No need to defrost, just put the kebab on the tray for 6-7 minutes, stirring
Notes on Americana kebab with Turkish mixtureخلط
- Contains no colors or preservatives.
- It contains less carbs and more protein.
- High in sodium and cholesterol.
- It contains high fat and you can use an air fryer to reduce the oil.
- Tried it in a Philips air fryer and found it very tasty.