غير مصنف

Calories in Delicio Mustard Mayonnaise


Today we offer the calories in Delicio Mayonnaise with mustard sauce, as it is one of the flavors loved by many. So, in the next report, let us know what are those calories that it contains, The most important component of nutritional values.

The calorie content of Delicio mustard mayonnaise is 81.5 kcal per 20g. Fats make up the highest percentage of calories at 90.6 %، And then carbohydrates at 8.3%, And then protein, which is the lowest, at 1.1 %.

Mayonnaise mustard Delicio

Delicio Mustard Mayonnaise has the best combination of mustard and mayonnaise


Ingredients of mustard mayonnaise

  • Water
  • Sunflower oil (vegetable oil)
  • Mustard paste
  • yolk
  • Natural vinegar
  • sugar
  • Rate arose
  • salt
  • Mustard flavor (identical to nature)
  • E415 (thickener)
  • E330 (acidity regulator)
  • E 202 preservatives
  • E385 (an antioxidant)
  • Pepper emulsion
  • E160 (color)

Keep in a cool, dry place

Since the fat content of this type of sauce is high, you should not eat it too much to avoid obesity.

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