Ketchup is one of the most commonly used sauces worldwide. It is not the preserve of a country, It is traded all over the world, Today, we chose Desilio to offer you the nutritional values of Delicio Tomato Ketchup and the nutritional ingredients that it contains.
The calories in Delicio ketchup are 127 kcal per 100g. Carbohydrates make up the highest percentage of calories at 98.8%. And then fat at 1.1%, And then protein, which is the lowest at 0%.
For more nutritional values about this product, we have prepared a nutritional label that contains the rest of the nutritional information.
Delicio tomato ketchup
A mixture of ripe tomatoes and a mixture of spices, Delicio Tomato Ketchup, salty and sweet at the same time. A rich sauce that makes everything delicious from starters to main dishes.
Delicio ketchup with tomato ingredients
- Water
- E330 (antioxidant)
- Tomato paste
- salt
- Modified starch
- E330 (acidity regulator)
- E260 (acidity regulator)
- E415 (thickener)
- E412 (thickener)
- Clove oil
- sugar
- Onions (oily resins)
- Garlic (oleoresins)
- Sweet pepper (oily resins)
Keep in a cool, dry place
They may seem like this kind of ketchup is very low in calories! But what you know is that it is filled with sodium in very high quantities !! So, make sure to calculate your daily need of sodium through a tool Design nutritional schedules .