If you are looking for a nutritious snack without adding sugar, then Nadec Yogurt with dates may be a suitable option for you, as it contains natural date sugar.
The calories in Tamra Nadec Yogurt are 212.72 calories in one package of 160 gm. Carbohydrates make up the highest percentage of calories at 45.4%, followed by fat at 40.6%, and protein at 14.1%.
For more nutritional values in yogurt with dates from Nadec, see the nutritional card below:
Yogurt ingredients Nadec dates
Fresh yogurt blended with dates
- Fresh cow’s milk (pasteurized)
- Fresh cream
- Pass
- Milk solids
- Starch modifier I1442 (stabilizer)
- E 440 i thickener (stabilizer)
- Caramel color (natural)
- Natural date flavor
- Initiator
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin A
- 6% maximum fat
- 19% minimum for non-fat solids
Notes on Yogurt dates Nadak
- Made from 100% fresh cow’s milk from our farms
- Without adding sugar