Today, we provide you with the calories in Jalapeno from Delicio within an integrated nutritional card that also contains the most important values, And the nutritional ingredients in that delicious hot sauce.
The calories in Delicio Jalapeno are 1.9 calories for each 20 gm. Carbohydrates make up the highest percentage of calories at 61.1%. And then fat by 23.7%, And then protein, which is the lowest, at 14.7 %.
And for more, we leave you with the following food card for Shatta Jalapeno.
Jalapeno pepper from Delicio
Delicio Hot Sauce is a mixture of hot pepper and vinegar, which adds a strong flavor to the food by adding a spicy taste to the food. Matches with shawarma, Chowder and tuna.
Ingredients of jalapeno
- Water
- Jalapeno puree
- salt
- E415 (thickener)
- E300 (an antioxidant)
- Acidity regulator E260
- E330 acidity regulator
- Chili powder
- Natural green color
Keep in a cool, dry place
It should be noted that this product contains a large amount of sodium. So it may not be suitable for many people.
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